Interflon HT1200 is a WRAS Approved Bolt Lubricant which maximises torque load transfer during bolt assembly on flanges and other pipe joints.
Only 30% converted to preload.
20% loss in converted load through not lubricating threads.
50% loss in converted load through not lubricating the nut spot face.
Extremely low coefficient of friction - 0.12
This maximises the conversion of rotational torque on the nut and ensures maximum transfer to compressive load. This is also used within calculations on final installation torque for gasket sealing applications.
As an insulator the lubricant is effective at preventing galvanic corrosion and oxidation. Copper or graphite based lubricants act as conductors and can promote dielectric issues. It will not influence sensitive measuring equipment suck as flow meters unlike metal based lubricants.
WRAS Approved
Ideal bolt lubricant for clean water, potable water, and drainage applications. Ideal for high-temperature lubrication.
Will not be squeezed out by high bolt loadings.
Can withstand high temperatures - 1200°C
Unlike copper based lubricants which melt at 1085°C the upper service temperature of HT1200 ensures a wider and safer operating parameter.
Ceramic particles are non-toxic to humans if incidentally ingested in amounts smaller than 10 parts per million (ppm). Ceramics are what allows Interflon Paste HT1200 to carry its food safe rating, which greatly increases the number of applications it can be used for.
Polarization means that the negatively polarized lubricant particles in the paste adhere to positively charged particles on a surface. This bond is much stronger than that offered by normal lubricants.
Prevents Galling
Galling or binding of stainless fasteners is common. This can easily be prevented by selecting the correct lubricant that prevents galling.
Aids disassembly
HT1200 never dries out. For this reason alone, it becomes the lubricant of choice for contractors who need to break-up flanges that have been sealed for a long number of years.
Technical Support
As a manufacturer we technically support all the products that we offer which: -
• Saves time.
• Saves long term expense.
• Reduces leakage.
• Increases flange integrity.
• Decreases health & safety risk.
Whenever there is a sealing issue or technical question regarding one of our products then please get in touch on 0141 620 1666, Email us or simply fill out our online enquiry form below.
For more information about Interflon HT1200 that are available world wide, contact us on +44 (0)141 620 1666, Email us or simply complete our online Enquiry Form.